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As the world becomes increasingly conscious of our impact on the environment, it’s more important than ever to consider sustainability in all aspects of our lives, including the events we host. 

Whether you’re planning a small gathering or a large conference, there are many simple and effective ways to make your event greener. In this article, we’ll be sharing five ideas for creating an environmentally friendly and socially responsible event.

1. Plantable name badges

Find greener alternatives to classic event items in Ticketbutler’s webshop. A popular item in the webshop is the plantable name badge. Simply place the name badge in a pot of soil, water well and voilá – the attendee has grown a lasting memory from your event. 


Our latest invention and addition to the webshop is name badges embedded with tomato seeds, which are particularly quick to germinate and grow.

You can also find many other green alternatives in Ticketbutler’s webshop, e.g. lanyards in recycled plastic or biodegradable paper – customized with your logo and brand colors.

2. No more plastic bottles!

Recycling plastic is a difficult process, and many plastic items can only be recycled once – so cut it out where possible. As Senior Scientist at Novo Nordisk, Jesper Bøgelund, stated at the “Plastic – Sustainable Solution” conference in 2017:

Plastic is not a problem in itself. It is the way we use it that is problematic“.

By replacing plastic bottles at meetings and conferences with e.g. boxed water or jugs of water and drinking glasses, you change the way plastic is used.

3. Hybrid events

The transport sector is one of the biggest and fastest growing climate culprits, accounting for 17% of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 – behind only the power sector. 

However, the COVID-19 pandemic proved that you don’t necessarily have to travel far to connect – online social interactions can, in some instances, work just as well. Consider cutting down on nonessential travel by offering your guests the option to participate online when you host events.

Hybrid events are events that combine a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component – and come with quite a few pros. Besides being more environmentally friendly, they also allow you to take in extra registrations, and you simultaneously secure video content that can later be shared from your website and social channels. A triple “win”.

4. Sort waste

Let’s recycle whenever possible! Enable your guests to sort their own waste by setting up labeled waste sorting bins. 

5. Sustainable decorations

Green is a great color, evoking a multitude of positive emotions such peace, rest and security. Stand out by creating a green lounge with plants and sustainable decorations. Google should be able to provide you with lots of hits promoting local companies supplying sustainable furniture, electronics, etc.
We hope the above tips can inspire you to create a greener event. Shoot us an email at [email protected] if you have any more ideas we can add to the list!

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