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Stay in full control with a premium event and ticket system.

Scan the guest’s ticket and “voilà” – a name tag is printed automatically. A good experience for you and your guest.

Take control of your event with a professional ticketing platform where everything can be designed to match your brand.

Empower exhibitors and guests to collect leads by scanning guest name badges at your event, using the Lead Retrieval app.

Selected Ticketbutler users



Customer loyalty & satisfaction 

NPS is short for “Net Promoter Score”. The score goes from -100 to 100 and is one of the world’s most popular methods for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. The average for our industry and product type is 30, and anything above 50 is “excellent”. We are therefore extremely proud of our NPS score of 84 – apparently unheard of in our industry! We promise to keep exceeding your customer service expectations and optimizing our products and services to suit your ever-evolving needs as an event planner.

A word from the customers:

Sarah Askhim Faber
Sarah Askhim Faber@Berlingske Media
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"Our in-house organisers are very pleasantly surprised by how easily they can get started hosting events and selling tickets - and we are stoked to be able to offer a smooth user journey for our customers."
 Søren Jessen Nielsen
Søren Jessen Nielsen@Nordic.ai
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 "We chose to change to Ticketbutler because we wanted a modern, flexible, and affordable solution for our ticketing needs. Ticketbutler lived up to the requirements and was even quick to make small adjustments on the go. They are always accessible and quick to reply to our inquiries."
Signe Karoline Liljekvist
Signe Karoline Liljekvist@Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix
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"With many new options available, we are incredibly pleased with our collaboration with Ticketbutler that gives our guests an even better user experience (...)"
Frederik Ploug Søgaard
Frederik Ploug Søgaard@Keystones
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"With over 50 annual events in the pipeline throughout the past 10 years, we have tried out most systems. Ticketbutler delivers exactly what we need and we look forward to seeing what the future brings."
 Iben Krog Rasmussen
Iben Krog Rasmussen@Tænketanken Frej
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"Ticketbutler is extremely user-friendly for both us as organisers and for our guests. We have previously used other ticketing systems, but none have been as satisfactory as Ticketbutler. We strongly recommend the platform for both events, workshops, and conferences."
 Sigrid Stilling Netteberg
Sigrid Stilling Netteberg@DUOS
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"The Ticketbutler team is very committed, professional and solution-oriented when it comes to challenges we experience and face in our event process. This gives us time to concentrate on organising a better event, including providing a premium ticketing experience for our guests."
 Rasmus Møller Bohn
Rasmus Møller Bohn@Gl. Brydegaard
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"When I realised Ticketbutler was run by young professionals, I was as good as convinced. Finally, some competition in the market. Their level of service is top-notch, the system is user-friendly and their willingness to make a change is unparalleled. 5/5 stars from me!"
Justyna Skop
Justyna Skop@Crane Venture Partners LLP
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"Ticketbutler have had a profound impact on streamlining our ticketing process, ensuring seamless operations. They have garned praise from both our team and costumers, greatly enhancing the overall event experience for all."