
Seamless Event Check-in with


Fast & Secure Event Check-In

Experience fast and secure event check-in with Ticketbutler’s advanced face recognition technology, powered by Noticket. Our solution ensures check-in up to 3-4 times faster, requires less personnel, and offers a cool, self-service experience for guests. Perfect for conferences, concerts, membership tickets, and more.

Ticketbutler No Ticket
Impactful Numbers

Experience 3-4x faster check-in with fewer personnel needed and a cool,
self-service experience for your guests.

Data provided by Noticket.

Fiona Kelly
Fiona Kelly @Executive PA Forum
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"We had the pleasure of using Ticketbutler’s registration and face recognition technology at our annual conference Executive PA Summit, and we couldn’t be more impressed: Gone were the days of long queues and manual verification; instead, our guests enjoyed a swift and futuristic welcome that set the tone for the entire event."
Aisling Kelly
Aisling Kelly@Miss Jones Ireland
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"Our attendees were able to check in quickly and effortlessly, thanks to Ticketbutler's innovative face recognition technology. This not only reduced waiting times but also provided a smooth and professional welcome, setting a positive tone for the entire expo."
Instant Name Badge Printing with Face Recognition Check-In

Combine the power of face recognition with Ticketbutler’s Name Badge printer for a seamless event check-in experience. Guests simply scan their face upon arrival, instantly receiving a printed name badge. Enhance efficiency, reduce wait times, and impress your attendees with cutting-edge technology.

Read more about name badge printing for live events.


Most frequent questions and answers on face recognition check-in.

Facial recognition technology eliminates the need for physical tickets, allowing for faster entry and significantly reducing queues, creating a smoother and more enjoyable experience for attendees.

Facial recognition data provides event organizers with valuable insights into attendee demographics and preferences. This information allows organizers to personalize experiences, boost engagement, and optimize their event offerings for better overall satisfaction.

Absolutely. We prioritize data protection and strictly comply with relevant privacy regulations, ensuring the secure and responsible handling of personal information.

Setting up the facial recognition system is quick and efficient. The setup time can vary depending on the size and complexity of the event venue, but it is generally completed swiftly.

No. We store a geometric representation of your facial characteristics. Once you upload your image for the first time, you can use this geometric mapping for other events without needing to scan your face again.

Absolutely. Our facial recognition software employs advanced algorithms and robust encryption techniques to ensure the highest levels of security and data protection.

Our systems are equipped to handle such scenarios. If the software fails to recognize an attendee, alternative verification methods or manual checks are available to ensure a smooth entry process.

Yes, our facial recognition platform can be tailored to match the unique needs and branding of each event, ensuring seamless integration and a personalized experience.

Yes, attendees have the option to decline participation in facial recognition data collection, ensuring their privacy and consent are fully respected.

David Vete, Ticketbutler
Book A
Free Demo

Book a free consultation with David to discuss face recognition check-in and name badge printing. Learn how this innovative technology can enhance your event experience and streamline your check-in process.

Working with Industry Experts

Our facial recognition check-in system is developed in collaboration with NoTicket, a renowned company in the industry. With years of experience in facial recognition technology, Noticket has established a reputation for excellence, having implemented their solutions in various security procedures. Their expertise ensures that our check-in process is both efficient and secure, providing you with the best possible experience.